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lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016

Character Strenghts


Character Strengths can have a  positive impact on your life. Many researchs shows that using your character strengths can help you:
  • Manage and overcome problems
  • Improve your relationships with others
  •  Achieve health and overall well-being

Everyone has 24 Character Strenghts giving to the person a unique personality.

Character Strenghts are in everywhere, movies, books, songs, your daily life, even in you restroom! okay no but they are in many places.
Today we will talk about... CHARACTER STRENGHTS IN MOVIES!!

So, now tell me 

If you don´t, we´ll show you some examples.

 Forrest Gump 

Oh God! This movie is a classic, I hope everybody has seen this beautiful movie, but if you haven't, well... GO TO SEE RIGHT NOW! IT IS IN NETFLIX.

This amazing and inspirational movie highlights GRATITUDE.

Forrest Gump, a movie that demonstrates that life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. But whatever life gives you, take every opportunity and make the most of it.

Here we will let you the trailer~

2° Frozen

I know, I know, "This movie is for little kids" But guess what? IT IS NOT! Believe it or not, this movie shows the public a great diversity of Character Strenghts, but now, the Character Strenght that we will highlight is OPTIMISM.

 So,why don’t you relax and, Hey! Do you wanna build a snowman?

Frozen, a movie that besides teaching us the importance of family, it show us how to see the bright part of everything. Some characters in this movie are full of optimism, such as Olaf  that, when life gets tough, he likes to hold on to his dream. This little guy is optimistic, even when faced with extreme obstacles (like fire). And he always has the right thing to say.

And...That's all for today
Hope you have enjoyed the post! And if you know about another movie with Character Strenghts, put it in the comments :D

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