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jueves, 26 de mayo de 2016

Our Life With Character Strenghts


My life has changed now that I now what are my character strenghts, because I don´t argue with my dad of insicnificant stuff anymore, I´m a better friend now and now I know how to help people if they need me to.


Character Strengths can have a significant positive impact on your life.They have made a great impact on mine... Thanks to carácter Strenghts being applied correctly in my life, I feel I am a "better" person. Character Strenghtshad helped me to realize that I have to have a better actitude for having good results. Now I have learned to tolerate people, being able to cheer them up, listen to them, being there for anything they need between other things. 

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Not Using Character Strenghts


I didn´t use self control once when I had a figth with a girl that was being mean to a "friend" of hers and I tried to defend her, a teacher came down the hall and when I explained what was going on,the teacher decided that the mean girl was rigth and I was the one who started, so I may or may not insulted the teacher.


Have You ever been in a situation in where you are new in a place and you don´t know to anyone?
Well, something similar happened to me. One day I was in a place in where I was completely ne, I didn´t knew anyone. I couldn´t talk to anybody because I was afraid of them laughting at me (I really don´t know why) so all the time I spent in that place, I was alone...
The Character Strenght I didn´t use was SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE :O

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

Character Strenghts in Our Life

M'ath :>

This time we´ll talk about Character Strenghts in our life (as "normal" persons, not as students), how does they benefit us and what would happen if Character Strenghts were not applied in our lives!

Let´s Beggin!

Have you ever been in a situation where you successfully showed Character Strengths?

we´ll tell you about a situation in where we have applied successfully Character Strenghts 

I applied SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE once in my other school when we had to make a presentation for history class and my friend was really nervous about it and she couldn´t concentrate in the other classes but about a class before the presentation I told her that if she had already learned what we were going to said she didn´t have to worry about anything


One Day I was having a big problem... I was very desperate because I couldn´t find a solutuion, I was going to give up but I realize that I had to find the way out this problem, so I tried to see the bright side of this and... I COULD FINALLY SOLVE MY PROBLEM! The Character Strenghts I applied was OPTIMISM :)

sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016

Tips For Being A Better Student

Konnichiwa :]

Are you interested on being a better student?

If so, You are in the right place!

Here you have


1 Do your homework. 
If you have homework due on Monday that was assigned on Friday, use your Self-Control and don't start the assignment at 11 p.m. on Sunday. Take your homework seriously and try hard problems, even if you're not sure on them. If you are really having trouble, ask a friend or a parent. Don't stress about your homework. Don't let yourself go over 40 minutes a night per assignment. Manage your time.

2 Pay attention during class.

 If you don't pay attention it will be almost impossible for you to understand the lesson by yourself. Remember to participate in class as well. This is good for your relationship with your teacher, for your grades and for passing the time. Let your curiosity flow and learn new things!

3 Ask for help.

  • After you have studied by yourself, studying with a classmate or group can help you better understand hard concepts. Quiz each other. Be Social Intelligent!
4 Stay positive.

  • Have a positive attitude and optimism well. Complaining will only make learning harder.
5 Set goals.

If you set concrete goals for yourself, it’s easier to become motivated and measure your success in those goals.
Make sure your goals are realistic! While you should challenge yourself, you shouldn’t set yourself up for failure, either.
Remember, you can always set higher goals once you’ve achieved your first set.
Time to use your Zest!

Do you want to know how to obtain better grades? 
Check this video!


Happy Student's Day!



1. What character strenght do you think you have and why?
"Social Intelligence, because I try to don´t make the others feel excluded if their are alone.
Grit, because I finish the things I started, and 
optimism,because I see the positive side of the things."

2. What character strenghts do you think you have that makes you a good students and why?
"Grit helps to finish all the projects and homeworks correctly, and social intelligence can help you to not leaving anyone aside."

3. Can you tell us a situation where you ahad to applay them?
"I use social intelligence when someone 
dosen´t have a team to work with, and optimism to help my friends and family members."

thank you Anggie for letting us interview you!!!

bye bye

May 23th - Student´s Day!

Hallo :]

Well my dear ones
The Student´s Day is coming...

Geez! I know, I know, it is not that exciting as expected... 

But Hey! We must be thankful that at least they recognize our effort :]

Now, Can you guess the topic of this post? 
Oho! you are so intelligent! .__. 

As you "said" We will talk about:

Character Strenghts As Students!

Exciting, don't you think?

Well, first of all we are going to talk you about our Character Strenghts as students.

What Character Strenghts do I think I have?

Self control


I have self control because when I got angry I try not to raise my voice or answer in a bad way.

In my opinion I have curiosity because I like to know random favts about any subject.
I use self control when I don´t know the answer of a question in a homework  and I use curiosity to find the answer of that question.


What Character Strenghts do I think I have?




I think I have curiosity because every time I see something new, I get really interested and try to learn more about that certain thing.


I think I have optimism because when I have a problem with something, I try see the positive side to that problem and I try to solve it.

A situation in which I have applied my Character Strenghts as a student?

Well, I use the curiosity when I learn something new in class and I get really interested so I try to learn even more about that topic.

And I use the optimism when I have a problem with a proyect or a homework and I try to see the bright side of that problem and that's how I achieve solving my problem.

What Character Strenghts do you think you have as a student?
(Put them in the comments!)

Auf  Wiedersehen 


sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016

Happy Teacher´s Day!


After doing a comparision between our opinion about the Character Strenghts of Miss, Miriam and the Character Strenghts she thinks she has... We concluded that we don´t think the same way.

But that´s really not a problem. :D

After all these days that we interviewed and talked with Miss. Miriam, we realized that she is really an example to follow. You may be wondering why. Well she has to deal with teenagers every day and that is not very easy, sometimes they are very disobedient and they don´t really want to pay attention (we are included as well) but Miss. Miriam stills acting with a positive actitud and she makes her best to make everyone understand what she is explaining. She really cares for her students and she tries to make that all the students have the same opportunities as others. 

"Thank you for teaching me how to read and write, for guiding me to distinguish between what is wrong and what is right. For allowing me to dream and soar as a kite, thank you for being my friend, mentor and light."

 Honestly, thak you teachers!

Bye Bye~


  • CURIOSITY: Because she likes to always learn new thing about any topic. She shows curiosity when she gets interence in the problems of her students to find a way to help them.

  • PERSISTENCE: She considers herself persistent because when she belives in something or wants to get a goal she does not give up until she fullfil it. When a student is not going well in her clas she helps them to understand and push them to practice and get better grades.

We love you miss!!!



* Our opinion:

  • Self-control : We think that she has this character strenght because when the students aren´t behaving like they should or they are not working nor listening, she  doesn't get angry easily.
  • Optimism: She tries to be happy all the time for us and she make joke with the students and sometimes follows the game of some of us.
  • Social Intelligence: We think she has social intelligence because she always tries to help us and is empathic with us and she cares if her students understand the subject and if they don't she helps them with their doubts.


Thank you!! 

May 15th - Teacher's Day!

The time to thank the people who have taught you very valuable lessons during your whole life is coming soon. TEACHER´S DAY IS COMING!

In honour to this day, we will talk you about an amazing teacher who has taught the studests many good things which will be very helpful to them in the future.
Ad this teacher is...

 Miss. Miriam!

That beautiful teacher that you see over there is our math teacher. 

We know that she is beautiful and seems to be a very intelligent person but, if you are thinking of conquering her... you better stop thinking of that because she is already married and she has 2 sons (and she loves her family).

She has studied in Tec de Monterrey. 

And she has been teaching math to secondary students since 5 years ago! (She may be a very tolerat person) 

You may be thinking that she is a very boring person and that all her classes are very boring, but let me tell you that NO! It is all the contrary! She makes very entretaining math classes, she has they key to make the students learn math with easy and funny methods that are easy to the students to learn.

What are her likes & dislikes?

She Likes Justice 

She Dislikes corruption 

What are her hobbies?

She loves books.

So... her hobbie is reading!

She loves Japanese food! 

In conclusion she has many beautiful virtudes.

We hope that you´ve enjoyed the post! 

See you~

sábado, 7 de mayo de 2016

Need a good song?


Here we will show you some examples of Character Strenghts expressed in songs :D

  • PERSEVERANCE & BRAVERY: "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten

This song talks about having dificulties, like loosing friends and beeing away from home but having enough courage to overcome them with a good actitud.

  • SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE, HOPE PERSEVERANCE: "I believe" by Christina Perri

This song is about appreciating your own strenghs and other´s and beliving in your self and in what you can do, it also says that after having dificulties you can learn from them, and instead of giving up all hopes you stand up anf fight for yourself.

  • Confidence & Courage: "Best Of You" by Foo Fighters

 This song is about reaching your potential.
Everyone has secrets they keep in their own heas about themselves, and we rarely confront those secrets. It is a self reflecting song: "Is someone giving the best, the best, the best of you" can be interpreted as asking youself a question you don´t really want to think about.


jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016

Reading time!


In books there are very good examples of Character Strenghts, in the plot or the actitud the caracter takes in a certain situation.

Here are some examples:
  • CURIOSITY: SHERLOCK HOLMES ( by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Sherlock Holmes is a detective that hepls the police, but in his "free time" he made different kind of experiments, he gets bored really quikly so he has to always be doing something to entretain himsef. 

"My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my job to know what other people don´t know"
  • BRAVERY: TRIS PRIOR (Divergent Series by Veronica Roth)
She is brave because when her friends or someone she cares about is in danger she would do anything in her power to protect them even if she that could kill her. ;)


lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016

Character Strenghts


Character Strengths can have a  positive impact on your life. Many researchs shows that using your character strengths can help you:
  • Manage and overcome problems
  • Improve your relationships with others
  •  Achieve health and overall well-being

Everyone has 24 Character Strenghts giving to the person a unique personality.

Character Strenghts are in everywhere, movies, books, songs, your daily life, even in you restroom! okay no but they are in many places.
Today we will talk about... CHARACTER STRENGHTS IN MOVIES!!

So, now tell me 

If you don´t, we´ll show you some examples.

 Forrest Gump 

Oh God! This movie is a classic, I hope everybody has seen this beautiful movie, but if you haven't, well... GO TO SEE RIGHT NOW! IT IS IN NETFLIX.

This amazing and inspirational movie highlights GRATITUDE.

Forrest Gump, a movie that demonstrates that life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. But whatever life gives you, take every opportunity and make the most of it.

Here we will let you the trailer~

2° Frozen

I know, I know, "This movie is for little kids" But guess what? IT IS NOT! Believe it or not, this movie shows the public a great diversity of Character Strenghts, but now, the Character Strenght that we will highlight is OPTIMISM.

 So,why don’t you relax and, Hey! Do you wanna build a snowman?

Frozen, a movie that besides teaching us the importance of family, it show us how to see the bright part of everything. Some characters in this movie are full of optimism, such as Olaf  that, when life gets tough, he likes to hold on to his dream. This little guy is optimistic, even when faced with extreme obstacles (like fire). And he always has the right thing to say.

And...That's all for today
Hope you have enjoyed the post! And if you know about another movie with Character Strenghts, put it in the comments :D